We wish for our community to be diverse and welcoming, and ask you to support us in that aim.
Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behaviour and speech. Be careful when making assumptions, and avoid acting on them. Ensure you have consent for any interaction with others. Be out and proud, but BSF isn’t Folsom. Behave responsibly and kindly towards yourself and others, and comply with legal requirements.
Respect our community, venues, their staff and our event. Champion diversity, equity and self-expression. Celebrate those who came before us, pave the way for those following. Fill the world with love, we need it. Have a wonderful BearScotFest 2023, we are happy you are here!
PS: Please be aware that not all our guests might live in situations which make it safe for them to be out and proud, so make sure when taking a picture that everyone in it is aware that it is being taken.